Altium designer 17 redefine board shape free.Designing a Rigid-Flex PCB in Altium Designer

Altium designer 17 redefine board shape free.Designing a Rigid-Flex PCB in Altium Designer

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Altium designer 17 redefine board shape free. Working with a Board Shape Object on a PCB in Altium Designer 



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  Information can now be found here: Defining the Board Shape for version Each time you click, a new vertex is added. The current viewing mode for the PCB document can be changed using the corresponding commands from the main View menu. If you select a model surface that requires alignment in the X-Y plane, you will be asked in a Confirmation dialog to align the surface before you can continue. As well as providing a visual guide of the extents of the space available for the placement and routing of the design, the Board Shape is also used by the software for:.  

Altium designer 17 redefine board shape free


Parent page: PCB Objects. Rigid-Flex is under active development. To switch to Rigid-Flex 2 mode, enable the aptium options in the Advanced Settings dialog :. For information about working in Rigid-Flex 1. The Board Shape defines the overall shape of the finished board.

Click through the slides to see the three Board Regions that make up the rigid-flex shape, and the finished board in 3D. The Board Redefinne, also referred to as the board outline, is a closed polygonal shape приведенная ссылка defines the overall extents of the board.

As well as providing a visual guide of the extents of the space available for the placement and routing of the design, the Board Shape is also used by the software for:. The Fre Shape is created from one or more Board Regions. For designers working on a single-region board design, the following commands can be used to define the Board Shape:.

The difference between the Define Board Shape from По этому сообщению Objects command and the Create Board Region from Selected Objects command is that the first command replaces all existing Board Regions with the new region that is created when the command is run, whereas the second command creates an additional Board Region, without removing any existing Board Region s.

The video first demonstrates creating the Board Shape from selected objects and then slicing the shape to create the three regions needed.

Then it shows an alternate approach, where the three Board Regions are defined from selected objects. Note that these demonstrations are using Rigid-Flex 2. The next step is to import the board's shape as a. DXF or. DWG file. Note that the shape to be imported must be a closed shape and internal cutouts are not automatically created but can be defined later from imported objects. The software will attempt to find the shape based on the centerline of the selected boadr. It will offer to use a tracing algorithm instead.

Only choose this option if your design can accept the rexefine of this difference. This feature redefines the board shape based on a surface face of an imported 3D model. It can be used to quickly create a complex board shape and helps integration between electronic and mechanical design areas. You will also be prompted to update the shape, which helps if the shape is по ссылке under development and updates are expected.

Only surfaces aligned with the X-Y plane can be used to create the board shape. If you select a model surface that fere alignment in the X-Y plane, you will be asked in a Confirmation жмите сюда to align the boarv before you can continue.

This dialog also allows you to place the продолжение здесь using the selected designerr in relation to either the top or bottom surface of the board. This means that the vertical position of the model can also be set at the same time.

After the board shape has been redefined, you will be given the option to hide the 3D body. Use this command when the Boadr Shape altium designer 17 redefine board shape free but there are currently no objects along the boundary. Situations where this command can be useful include:. A board reddefine can be placed anywhere in the Board Shape. Note altjum the cutout is actually a Region object configured to be a negative object.

A Board Cutout has been placed on the Board Shape. If the board cutout is an unusual shape, such as a altium designer 17 redefine board shape free, it can be easier to create an outline of the cutout shape using tracks and arcs for example, Place » Arc » Full Circleselect the shape then convert it to a Board Cutout Tools » Convert » Create Board Cutout from Selected Primitives.

Polygons that overlay a solid region board cutout will pour as close to the edge of the cutout as allowed by the applicable Clearance design rule. A specific Clearance design rule can be created if required, which could, for example, be scoped to apply between IsBoardCutoutRegion and InPolygon.

A common approach used to cut the finished board from the fabrication panel is to mill or route the board out of the panel. Board cutouts can also be routed hoard. This can be done manually or automatically by the software. A Board Cutout тот lyndaadobe captivate 4 free здесь the first image, with a Route Tool path defined in the second image.

As well as the Board Shape, you also should define a placement and routing boundary around the edge of the board.

Alternatively, this can be done manually altium designer 17 redefine board shape free placing objects on the sape layer. Objects placed on this layer define a no-crossing-allowed boundary for components and routing. Typically you want objects such as components and routing to be a certain distance from the edge of redeine board; this distance can be controlled by setting the applicable routing and component placement design rules. You can also define other routing and component keepout areas for mechanical objects, such as screw heads or other mounting requirements.

A keepout boundary defined by placing standard line objects on the keepout purple layer. Using Altium Documentation. This document is no longer available beyond version Blard can now be found here: Defining the Board Shape for version Note that in previous releases of Altium Designer this option was called Legacy. The behavior has changed along with the name change; enabling the old option restored the altium designer 17 redefine board shape free mode Rigid-Flex1.

The default Board Shape in a new PCB baord is a rectangular shape 6 inch x 4 inch, or mil x mil, or For specific project templates источник статьи can be used shzpe creating a new PCB project, the associated PCB document in each ссылка has a specific Board Shape приведу ссылку to the form увидеть больше of the board.

The dseigner viewing mode for the PCB document can be changed using the corresponding commands from the altkum View menu. Alternatively, change altium designer 17 redefine board shape free quickly using the 1 Board Planning Mode algium, 2 2D and 3 3D keyboard shortcuts.

Learn more about placing and editing a Board Region. There are also a number of commands for working altium designer 17 redefine board shape free Board Regions, learn more about the commands for converting between drawing primitives and board definition objects.

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