7 tips for video call interview success on Microsoft Teams - Taylor Hopkinson

7 tips for video call interview success on Microsoft Teams - Taylor Hopkinson

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5 Tips for a Successful Microsoft Teams Interview - Collaboration Templates 



7 tips for video call interview success on Microsoft Teams - Taylor Hopkinson.


Is there a way i can prevent them rejoining at the end if the interview so they do not join during the next interview? Was this reply helpful? Yes No.

Sorry this didn't help. Thanks for your feedback. Choose where you want to search below Search Search the Community. Teams has a reputation for being a bit chatty so you probably want to scale back the alert and notification level. Along with the mobile app, consider installing the mobile versions of PowerPoint , Word , and Excel as well. The Teams interface takes a little exploring to get used to.

The left sidebar menu of the Teams interface holds icons for different major work areas in Teams. This menu is customizable and can be changed by you or by IT. What is shown above is the result of adding OneNote to the left sidebar. You can add many applications by clicking on the Apps icon at the bottom of the sidebar. Clicking on Teams on the left-sidebar lists teams where you are a member.

You can contribute right away to any of these teams by clicking on Posts and typing in the text box at the bottom.

You are automatically made a member of some Teams created by the company or Teams administrators. To discover Teams that you can join, click Join or create a team at the bottom of the Teams list. Quick tips. Here are some tips to help you get started as you explore how to use Microsoft Teams.

Refer to the image in the section above What are Teams? Of course, you may want to create your own team and, unless the defaults are changed by the Teams administrator, you can. Just click on Join or create a team , Create team , Build team from scratch and decide if the team will be private or public.

If you're a Teams administrator, you can also create an org-wide team where everyone is a member automatically. Generally, you will want to create a public team. Personalize your profile picture by clicking on the user profile icon in the upper right corner and adding a profile picture. This serves two purposes. First, for all companies it warms up the Teams experience to see faces rather than initials, and second, in a larger company, putting a face to a name can make a business difference.

This picture appears all through the online services and not just in Teams. Someone may have seen your face in a meeting or presentation and not know your name. Alternately, they may be familiar only with your name but need to find you at a conference, a public place, or office. Adding a picture helps people connect the dots. This is one of those settings that you will have to mess with a few times to get right. Teams will tell you via email and a pop-up banner on your computer or phone when specific events occur.

In addition, you will get notifications about other activities including chat mentions, replies to conversations you start, likes and reactions, team membership changes, and more. It might be a bit much for a busy team. You can tune with the notifications in the same place you add your picture, by clicking on Settings, then Notifications.

Also, note that mobile settings have their own notification rules as seen in the app notification image above. Microsoft Teams Tip: Need to contact someone urgently? Enable notifications to find out the moment someone comes online.

There is a setting in this particular place that can be super useful but is not well known. At the end of the notifications settings, there is a button named Manage notifications. Clicking on the button shows you the Manage status notifications screen. When you add someone to this list, anytime their online status changes, you will receive a notification.

Channels are topic areas within a team. This is where all the action is. Within a team, there can be many channels and all team members can create a channel by default. You - yes you - can create a channel for any purpose that suits you.

Note that the ability of team members to create a channel can be turned off by the Team owner. You join a team. Once you are a member of the team, you can see all the channels in it unless hidden. When naming Teams and Channels, be thoughtful. Make sure names are descriptive enough so that others know if they should have an interest in the activity.

The menu items at the top of the screen are called Tabs. These can be customized for each channel. The Posts channel is where the chat activity happens. Posts in the channel are visible by anyone who can see the channel, which is by default everyone that is a member of the team.

Microsoft Teams Tip: Get notified about channel activity to learn about important updates. Right-click on a channel name, and click Channel Notifications to set channel activity to alert you. If you own a channel and any activity is important to you, this can be very useful.

The Posts tab is where you post anything you want to say to the channel participants. You add a Post by typing in the textbox at the bottom of the screen. Posts to a channel are journaled so that anyone can review them and respond. This is a great way to keep track of fast-moving details and news related to a project.

Also, this allows you the option of posting an entry to multiple channels. Feel free to add complex data in the feed. Explore the Post icons under the text box for other useful features.

One of the main benefits of Teams is that you no longer need to send files around to team members by email. Instead, upload the file to the Files tab in Teams. Any file you upload to Teams is automatically made available to other team members, no special permissions needed. Multiple people can edit the file at the same time - a feature called co-editing.

Co-editing is a great feature that allows you to collaborate in real-time with others making it ideal for sharing during a Teams meeting. You can send a link to the file simply by right-clicking on the file name and selecting Copy link.

The hiring team gets a chance to get to know you—and you get a chance to get to know the team. Post-interview, your recruiter can help you understand the specific timeline of when you can expect to hear back regarding the hiring decision. For more specific guidance, you can read How to prepare for a virtual interview. Before your interview. Ensure you have a strong internet connection. Make sure you have Microsoft Teams downloaded onto your computer, and familiarise yourself with the system.

Research the company and decide what is appropriate to wear. Avoid patterns or distracting jewellery and ties. Opt for simple, softer colours and dress fully — not just from the waist up! This will help you to psychologically feel ready for the interview. Have a pen and paper to hand for any questions that spring to mind or any key details you want to note down. Also make sure you have a glass of water to hand — interviews can be thirsty work! Raise your camera to head level to avoid looking down on the interviewer and to make it more natural — use a laptop stand, or a pile of books.

Within Microsoft Teams, turn off the box that shows you, this avoids distraction and too much self-consciousness and allows you to focus more fully on the interviewer and the questions. Once set up, check again for lighting — coming from in front of you.

If you wear glasses, try to position the lighting to remove any unwanted glare. This is a really important step.


How to use microsoft teams for a interview -


Renewable Energy Jobs. With an increasingly mobile global workforce, video interviews are becoming commonplace. So here are our 7 top tips to help you own your video interview. Switch your phone off, close windows to block out any outdoor noise, and lock the door if needed — we all know distracting our kids can be!

Find a simple, neutral background and ensure that your shot is well-lit. Adjust the lighting if required once the shot is set up. Ensure you have a strong internet connection. Make sure you have Microsoft Teams downloaded onto your computer, and familiarise yourself with the system.

Research the company and decide what is appropriate to wear. Avoid patterns or distracting jewellery and ties. Opt for simple, softer colours and dress fully — not just from the waist up!

This will help you to psychologically feel ready for the interview. Have a pen and paper to hand for any questions that spring to mind or any key details you want to note down. Also make sure you have a glass of water to hand — interviews can be thirsty work! Raise your camera to head level to avoid looking down on the interviewer and to make it more natural — use a laptop stand, or a pile of books.

Within Microsoft Teams, turn off the box that shows you, this avoids distraction and too much self-consciousness and allows you to focus more fully on the interviewer and the questions. Once set up, check again for lighting — coming from in front of you. If you wear glasses, try to position the lighting to remove any unwanted glare. This is a really important step. Test your setup. Do a dummy interview using Microsoft Teams with a friend. You can record it and watch it back to identify any adjustments you need to make.

Test the audio, the video and internet speed. Does the background look ok? How is your positioning? What about your body language? Remember that they may not be familiar with Microsoft Teams, so let them know that they just need to click on the link to access the meeting!

Face-to-face interviews are often conducted in a private office or conference room. The same care should be taken by each member of your organization who will be participating in the virtual interview. Ideally, choose a room where you will be lit from the front, rather than the back. Front lighting reduces dark shadows and provides a flat, warmer light.

If you have a window at your back, your face might be in shadow, making it harder for others on the call to see you properly. You can help the candidate better focus on you if you place yourself in front of an empty wall or another non-distracting background.

While virtual interviews can be more convenient for recruiting coordinators and job candidates, they can easily feel impersonal and rushed. This can reflect poorly on your organization and how seriously you are considering a candidate. This helps give a professional appearance that sets the tone for the interview and reflects on your entire team. Looking directly into the camera during the call can also help foster a sense of having a face-to-face connection. You need to give the candidate your entire focus.

Clearing your desk of everything but note-taking materials can also help. Even when both you and the candidate have strong internet connections, some lag and delay is inevitable.

This can get confusing, especially when trying to ask follow-up questions or share your screen. Similarly, when screen sharing, wait a few seconds after loading an image, web page, or presentation slide to give it time to load for others on the call.

You never know when technology problems might happen. No matter how unlikely these things might seem, prepare a back-up plan. For example, rescheduling your Microsoft Teams interview for a later date or switching to a phone interview can keep you and the candidate from scrambling if something goes wrong. That way, you can quickly set up a new interview time if needed. This way, you can resolve any issues before the call starts.

Microsoft Teams interviews can help streamline your interview process and make it easier to reach top candidates from across the country.



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